Monday, January 30, 2012

Back to the roots

The next meeting will be at the ThorbräuKeller.

Heilig-Kreuz-Straße 20
86152 Augsburg

7pm - late

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Meeting point for the english-speaking Stammtisch on thursday the 26th:
ABC bar/restaurant at the Fuggerstadtcenter (upstairs, where the bowling areas are)

We're looking forward to meeting you!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Venue for the English Stammtisch

I would like to start a discussion on selecting a regular ‘Winter’ venue for the English Stammtisch.

The purpose of the English Stammtisch is to give people from various backgrounds an opportunity to socialize and to improve their English language skills and for expatriates like me an opportunity to speak in my native tongue and bitch about stuff.

In order to do this we need a place to meet which is flexible, (we never know how many are going to show up) is not too loud, (talking with people with various accents is hard enough without loud music in the background) should be cheap, serve food (but not require you to order it) and be central and easy to get to.

If the venue is EASY to get to then I suspect more members would come.

Our usual venue is the Thorbräukeller. Why? It is nice enough as venues go but it is a bitch to get to (especially in winter when the weather is crap) and you can forget trying to park a car in the area and that is in common with all our previous venues.

What I suggest is the ABC Bar in the Fuggerstadtcentre. It is large enough they are not going to care if no one shows up or if 50 show up. It is relatively quiet so no problem as far as having a conversation goes, price for food and drink is reasonable (finger food, pizza, hamburgers etc.) or if anyone wants they can go to the Erdgeschoss and get a Burger King, Sushi, Doner or Subway Sandwich. Most important is that it is central, the Tram, Bus, Train are virtually by the entrance, as you leave a Taxi is waiting if you want one and if you come by car there is a Tiefgarage which charges € 3,00 fixed after 19.00 Uhr. (as an extra you can play pool or bowls, if you want, and even pick up a few things in the supermarket).

To me it’s a no brainer but if you think we should stay with Thorbräu or have another suggestion please say so.

Next Thursday (26.01 2012) we could evaluate the ABC Bar and then we could conduct a poll between ABC Bar, Thorbräu and any other venues which may be suggested.

If you would like to participate in the discussion, go to the facebook group or send an email to We're looking forward to hearing from you!


Sorry, Sorry, Sorry to those that went to the English Stammtisch last night and found the venue closed for a private function. For the venue to be closed happens once per year and it was just bad luck it happened on the night I suggested we have our meeting there. Fortunately some of us (about 10) did meet up, by good luck rather than design, at the Brauhaus 1516 in the Hauptbahnhof where we were entertained by a Country and Western band. I ended up enjoying my self but I feel bad for those of you that wasted your time going to the agreed venue and finding no one. Again I apologize.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

English-speaking Stammtisch 19.01.2012

We're going to meet at the Fuggerstadtcenter!

Address: Viktoriastraße 3, next to Hauptbahnhof (main train centre)
Where exactly? upstairs, next to bowling alley, in the restaurant-bar "'ABC Bowling Bar and Restaurant"
When? 7pm 

See you!

Friday, January 13, 2012


What is the Augsburg Stammtisch?
For ages a group of people have been meeting every Thursday evening for English conversation.
(For FAQs about german-speaking Stammtisch please see tab "deutsch-sprachiger Stammtisch")

Why this blog?
Until some weeks ago, it was always at the same location - the Thorbräu-Keller. This location has been closed in January due to company holiday.

Where will the Stammtisch be held from now on?
The group is also on facebook, discussing every week where the Stammtisch will be held next week. If you're on facebook, you're welcome to join the group and participate in the discussions.

I'm not on facebook, how will I know where to meet you on thursday?
That's what this blog is about. I will have a look at the discussion in the facebook-group and post the result here. I will give you as much information as possible about who's coming, the address of the location, the style of the location and so on. I will post the result on Tuesday, so you have enough time on Wednesday to decide if you want to come and google the way to the location.

Do I need to confirm that I will attend the meeting?
No, just come to the location at the said time. We're looking forward to meeting you!

Is there a way that I don't have to look it up but you write me an email with the location?
Yes! Please write a short notice to and tell me what stammtisch I should inform you about weekly. If you wish to no longer get mails from me, again, just tell me.
 (Email notifications are not yet installed, please be patient until I find out how to organize this.)

You have more questions? Send you questions to and they will be answered as soon as possible!

Work in Progress

- page name gets decided on facebook
- will then be changed accordingly
--> i will change the name according to the poll on tuesday, so it might not be there under this name on wednesday any more!!!

- layout design in progress...