Sunday, December 16, 2012

Winter is coming

[this post was contributed by René]

You're on the spot!

As the englisch-stammtisch is growing and growing, I want to include more views on it in this blog. Therefore I ask for your voice, your article, your photo about the englisch stammtisch.
This idea came up talking to René, so he will start. More about that, in a minute (new post).

Please visit us on facebook

Hello everybody!
The holiday season is coming. To see if anyone is going to the stammtisch at all, please check out the group on facebook:

In case you have no facebook, sorry, but as the administrator will be away for the holidays, too, we will not be able to inform you.
The stammtisch will most probably happen every week (same location as usual), but I cannot garantee anything.

Happy holidays!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Announcement for 06.12.2012

Alexander Owen Stammtisch 6.12.2012 ab 1930 Uhr Ratskeller. No table reserved. We take our chances.
Mon Sieur Ardens I loove adventures ^^
René Frieß i approve of this message ^^
Dennis Eoghan Clancey Alexander - I'll get there around 7:20,  wearing a royal blue jacket. I'll try to grab a table.I'll look for your hat. I hope they have flammkuchen!